basic computer question and answer


1. Who is the first computer of India?
2. Who is the first computer of the world?
3. What is the weight of ENIAC computer?
50 between 30 tons
4. Whose was made the ENIAC computer?
J. Presper
5. Which year is made the ENIAC computer?
6. Who is the inventor (mother) of computer?
Lady ada Agusti
7. Who is the inventor (father) of computer?
Charles Babbage
8. Who is the inventor of mouse?
Dr. Douglas engelbart
9. Who is the inventor of keyboard?
Christopher Latham soles
10. How type of computer?
There are three type computers.
1)Analog computer
2)Digital computer
3)Hybrid computer
11. How type of computer according size and height, weight?
1)Micro computer
2)Mini computer
3)Main frame computer
4)Super computer
12. How type of monitor screen?

13. How type of computer parts?
There are two types of computer parts?

14 What is the Hindi name of computer?
15. What is the Hindi name of mouse?
16. What is the Hindi name of keyboard?
17. What is the full form of computer?
Common operating machine particular use for technical educational research
18. What is the full form of keyboard?
key electronic yet board operating a to z response directly
19. What is the full form of mouse?
Manually operated use for selecting equipment
20. What is the full form of CPU?
Central processing unit
21. What is the full form of windows?
Wide interactive network development office work solution.
22. What is the full form BASIC?
Beginner all purpose symbolic instruction code.
23. What is the full form of UPS?
Uninterrupted Power Supply
24. What is the full form of ENIAC computer?
Electronic numerical integrator and computer
25. What is the full of RAM?
Random access memory

26. What is the full of ROM?
Read only memory
27. What is the full of LCD?
Liquid Cristal Display
28. What is the full of LED?
Light emitting diode
29. What is the full of CRT?
Cathode ray tube
30. What is the full of TFT?
Thin film transistor
